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Tax Talk Blogs

Tax Levy

What is a Tax Levy?

With a levy, the IRS can seize property, such as homes, cars and other items of high value, as well as withdraw any available money from your financial accounts. This also includes withdrawing money from any future deposits that are made into your bank accounts.

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Tax Garnishment

Tax Garnishment

Based on one’s financial situation, the tax liability can be settled by an amount less than what is owed through making the offer. The process is rigorous and selective, but during the period of the review of the application, garnishment is stopped.

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State Back Taxes

State Back Taxes

Possible consequences with having state back taxes, include tax liens, wage garnishments, bank levies and property seizures. Though jail time is unlikely, many state tax officials do have the right to arrest a taxpayer.

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Coast One Tax Group - Help Filing Taxes

Back Taxes Return Filing

Most of those hoping tax season will pass them by are those who know they will owe money or feel filing their taxes is going to be too much work.  If you find yourself left with unpaid and back taxes, do not fear there is still hope.

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Tax Relief Program

Tax Relief Programs

Some taxpayers find they owe more than anticipated and circumstances may make it is impossible to pay their entire tax bill upfront. If you find yourself owing more than you can feasibly afford, there is help available.

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