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Tax Articles

Tax articles will be posted here real soon. Please come back later for updates.

Qualify For Fresh Start Initiative Programs?

Qualify For Fresh Start Initiative Programs? Coast One Tax Group is a company knowledgeable in all Fresh Start Initiative Programs.  We are a tax group of IRS Recognized Representatives – attorneys, accountants and enrolled agents. Are you unable

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Unfiled Tax Returns

Unfiled Tax Returns The American tax system is a complicated web, especially compared to how other countries have designed their tax systems. These complexities lead to millions of Americans running afoul of the IRS in the

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Why You Need To Hire Tax Consultant Services

Why Hire Tax Consultant Services?

Why Hire Tax Consultant Services? Filing taxes can be cumbersome, especially if you don’t have in-depth knowledge of how tax systems work. Further, attempting to handle tax regulations without the help of a tax specialist

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COVID-19 Disaster Relief Payments

COVID-19 Disaster Relief Payments The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth unexpected financial hardship for countless people in the United States. As a result of this public health crisis, the government has recently passed legislation to

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